Angelina’s role of being a UNHCR Special Envoy and Honorary Goodwill Ambassador


Angelina Jolie was appointed the role of a Special Envoy in April 2012.

Back in  August 2001, Angelina got appointed as the Goodwill ambassador.



Her main focus is on dealing with major issues regarding mass population and undertaking advocacy for the refugees.

As a UNHCR and a High Commissioner, she represents her position while going on field missions and speaking at global conferences regarding refugees and to the security council. As a special envoy, she has interacted with decision-makers on issues dealing with mass population and displacement issues.

Overall as UNHCR, she mainly focuses on finding solutions for refugees who have been kicked out of their own home and go move somewhere else. She is known to be a


Work Cited

“Special Envoy Angelina Jolie.” UNHCR. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2017. <;.

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